Canal Water Review

"To teach superstitions as truth is a most terrible thing." Hypatia "Yeah. That pretty much sucks canal water." cwr

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Courting the Pro-Lynching Vote

Senate Resolution 39 was filed on February 7. That gave plenty of time for all 100 U.S. Senators to sign on as co-sponsors before the vote to approve it on June 13. Only 78 of them did--18 on the last day. Neither Texas Senator did.

SR 39 is a resolution that expresses the Senate's contrition for having spent decades blocking any anti-lynching legislation at the federal level.

Mary Landrieu, a Louisiana Democrat, filed the bill and was joined by the majority of her colleagues. Because of that majority support, no record vote was taken. We can, therefore, only judge from their absence as co-sponsors what the true position of Senators Hutchison and Cornyn might be.

In this case, I'm thinking that actions speak louder than words. Landrieu's move was not a trick to make Republicans look bad. Southern Democrats were the worst offenders in the days when lynchings terrorized communities across the South. Apparently, Landrieu's resolution was inspired by Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America. Perhaps she had just read the book--or seen the exhibit. I'm guessing that she was moved by the horror she saw in those pictures and ashamed to be part of a body that had done so much to make it acceptable that she wanted some atonement. Not reparations. Not vast new bureacracies and budgets. Just an apology--reconciliation--and a better future for our country:

Whereas an apology offered in the spirit of true repentance moves the United States toward reconciliation and may become central to a new understanding, on which improved racial relations can be forged:

Both parties are now actively courting minority voters. Why would anyone not support this resolution whole-heartedly?

There's been quite a bit of discussion about this vote at the TPMCafe (where I've been spending way too much time lately). I checked some of my usual Texas blogs to see what they were saying.

This from The Burnt Orange Report:
. . . If the two senators from Texas couldn't find the moral courage to stand with the overwhelming majority of their peers in casting a symbolic vote against hate seven years to the week after the death of James Byrd, Jr. in Jasper County, then why should they deserve anybody's vote?

Nada from PinkDome.

Bupkus from Off the Kuff.

Dang, not even The People's Republic of Seabrook!

Ah, you can always count on The Panhandle Truth Squad! They ask: "Kay Bailey pro lynching?" Sadly, they don't mention that John Cornyn seems equally to be pro lynching.

I would have thought this would be a matter of greater concern in Texas.


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