Canal Water Review

"To teach superstitions as truth is a most terrible thing." Hypatia "Yeah. That pretty much sucks canal water." cwr

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


There are plenty of other analyses of this amendment, including records of live-blogging from In the Pink Texas and PinkDome. I could join in on the statements about hate and bigotry. I could really join in on the sarcastic comments about terrorists attacking marriage in church fellowship halls.

For a moment I was cynical enough to think that this amendment was simply a means to boost conservative turnout for the 2006 election, but Charles Kuffner, thinking the same thing, found a correction in his comments that reminds us both that the election which would decide the fate of this amendment will be held in November 2005, not 2006. At least I am not alone in my cynicism about this.

The wonder (for Texas) is that 29 House members stood up for their principles and voted against the amendment.

I'm now trying to think what I can afford to do to reward their courage. I could only afford two stuffed bees to give to our Killer D's, so I chose to give one to Garnet Coleman and the other to Eddie Rodriguez, both favorites of mine and both courageous on many issues, not just redistricting. This time around, I'd like to give them all something.


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